Welcome to the Christian Science website for First Church of Christ, Scientist, Yorba Linda, California!

Check out what’s new (next lecture – April 26th, 2025 at 2pm), Online Lectures, Upcoming Events

In addition to in-person services, we also offer attendance by Zoom (audio only)…

Join Zoom Meeting (clicking this link should take you directly to the meeting)

Call in number:
        +1 669 900 9128 
Meeting ID: 899 080 5506 # # (enter # twice)

On Wednesday evenings, if you’d like to share during the testimonies:
— If on Zoom, press the microphone icon to unmute yourself, then press the microphone icon again when you are done to mute yourself again;
— If calling in by phone, press the * key then the 6 key to unmute yourself, then *6 again when you are done to re-mute your line.

Find your local number (if you’re not local): https://zoom.us/u/abeopx9oIo 

Our Reading Room is now open (hours posted in right column). We are also open for contact-less transactions! Feel free to place your order by phone. Our librarian will be happy to return your call: 714-777-2391.


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Are you searching for

  • Peace of mind
  • A deeper understanding of the Bible
  • A closer relationship with God
  • Freedom from fear
  • Healing of relationship, employment, finance, addiction, and health issues

These are just a few of the practical benefits of Christian Science.

“The vital part, the heart and soul of Christian Science, is Love.”
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures p. 113

Our purpose is to reinstate the lost element of Christian healing as Jesus taught it. Our wish is for everyone who enters our church to feel loved, inspired, and whole.

We hope that you will feel welcome to join us at our regular Sunday services or Wednesday evening testimony meetings (where personal accounts of healing are shared).

We also have a research library and book store. It is open to the public for Bible research and learning more about Christian Science, including thousands of documented healings experienced through its study and practice.